Leaving a legacy 

About Capture the Story

In our efforts to encourage New Zealanders to step into the wonderful story of God’s global mission we realised we were not capturing the great treasure trove which is the unique stories of our individual alumni.

We believe that our alumni's stories are not only an important part of our history, but also of Pioneers ongoing work in cross cultural mission. We want these stories to be preserved to celebrate all that God has done, as well as to inspire, encourage and equip future Pioneers workers.

We have therefore launched an important new initiative that we are calling our “Capture the Story” project. Through this, we are hoping to collect and preserve as many of our alumni's stories as we can, so that: 

  • they can become an inspiring resource used in future mission communications and mobilisation work

  • they can be stored in our archives for future Pioneers members to watch/listen to and learn from in their journeys

  • we can build an inheritance for future generations of Christian missionaries.

Mike & Ruth Rob - Train 100's to Win 1000's
Mike & Ruth Rob

Train 100's to Win 1000's

We have already conducted 10 interviews and have many more scheduled in the New Year.

Please pray for this project, that it might be an encouragement for those sharing their stories, and that it would be an encouragement and blessing for all those who will hear them.

Conversation with Ngaire Cameron
Conversation with Ngaire Cameron


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