Exciting Developments with Prayer

In recent weeks, we have had two exciting developments at Pioneers NZ relating to prayer:
1) New Prayer Coordinator
We are pleased to announce that Judith A. (whom many of you will know recently returned to NZ after working long-term on the field) has agreed to take on the role of Prayer Coordinator for Pioneers NZ. We are very excited to have Judith in this role with her sensitivity and understanding for cross-cultural mission work and her passion for prayer. Welcome Judith!
2) Launch of the DPN (Dynamic Prayer Network)
a. What is the DPN?
Our new DPN (Dynamic Prayer Network) will be able to rapidly communicate prayer requests from our field workers to our Pioneers NZ supporter family, and in turn quickly provide encouraging feedback to our field workers about the prayers being offered on their behalf.
b. How will it work?
- Our field workers will be encouraged to send short, sharp prayer requests to our Prayer Coordinator in NZ in real-time using a secure app on their mobile phones.
- The prayer requests will then be quickly processed by our Prayer Coordinator and sent out to our “Pioneers Prayer” WhatsApp Group in NZ.
- Members of the WhatsApp group will be encouraged to momentarily pause (or do so as soon as they can), and for a brief moment engage with the prayer request (this may only be a few seconds spent in prayer).
- WhatsApp group members will also be asked to provide feedback, letting us know that they have received the request and engaged with it. This will be done by replying with a simple “Yes” or suitable emoji (praying hands, thumbs up, smiley face etc.)
- Our Prayer Coordinator will collate the replies and let our field workers know about the people in NZ who are standing with them and upholding their situation in prayer.
- The Prayer Coordinator will also be able to follow up with our field workers later, to find out what happened next with in the various situations and in relation to various requests, and report to our prayer's.
c. When will it begin?
1. We expect to finish setup for the DPN in the next week or so, and we hope to have the prayer requests flowing soon after. 😊
d. How do I join?
1. If you would like to be a part of the DPN (i.e. join the WhatsApp group), please sign up below, and we will add you to the group.