Explore Missions in the Amazon
Explore Missions in the Amazon: Learn culture and language while exploring long term mission.
This is a wonderful opportunity to study Spanish, visit current teams involved with church planting work in tribal locations, and be exposed to other ministry needs and opportunities in the Amazon region. These opportunities would allow participants to strengthen and contribute to an existing work, as well as learn and experience life in a tribal setting. Our desire is that God would use these opportunities to challenge participants into long term ministry among the unreached.
Over the first two years, you will spend time learning the language and culture, engage in training for mission work in the jungle, gain real experience in various tribes, and then launch out to an unreached tribal people.
If you think you might be a good fit for this team, get in touch with our team to find out more.
Not exactly what you’re looking for? Pioneers has hundreds of cross-cultural mission opportunities available – far too many to list on our website. Get in touch with our team to find an opportunity that’s right for you!